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Our goal is to provide you with useful information. Relaxation, Meditation, and Mindfulness are disciplines that require diligence. If you're looking for exact instructions for being happy, we can't provide it. It's up to your own efforts and intentions. We don't make any promises that would get you onboard because everybody is different, but we offer solid and universal basics of practice you can try and judge for yourself.

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Delivering Means of Stress Relief.


This website and MeditAid Mindful, both have an informative purpose and they don't provide advantages of learning relevant techniques in person from a professional. Although meditation is generally regarded safe by health professionals, on rare occasions it may cause uncomfortable experiences, especially when you are under a significant distress in your life (e.g. being intensively harassed), suffering from a psychotic disorder or have a history of trauma. Methods we present here can make repressed thoughts and emotions surface and make you re-live past experiences (which is an opportunity to deal with them). In those cases we recommend attending meditation classes in person at reputable communities or at least use guided meditations available on MeditAid Mindful, and have someone trusted with you for sense of security. Also If you suffer from any clinical disorder, please consult your specialist regarding meditation.

Welcome to MeditAid.ie

This is the place where you will find useful information about relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness. To begin, choose your colour at the top of the page. My name is Lukasz Moskal and I'm the author of this website. I got interested in meditation in 2012 when I had been struggling with some serious health problems that included psychosis, depression, anxiety, and addiction as well as very traumatic life situation. Since then, while learning and practising meditation, I watched myself recover from being barely able to speak to almost normal functioning, and I'd like to share some information with you, that may be very useful if you decide to give it a try. I'm not an experienced scholar with lifetime of practice and teaching, but I feel I'm up to the task when it comes to passing the right information. I decided to include three separate sections with different approaches suitable for different readers' needs, but I think it's worth to mention, those approaches overlap and complement each other. In addition, I also created MeditAid Mindful, an extension of this website, where you can take part in Q&A and discussion forums or find a fair deal of resources like meditation music, relaxing videos, guided meditations (guided imagery), and additional written content. You will also find online courses and a blog in near future. Also, I created MeditAid Store where you can buy CD's, DVD's, Blu-Ray's, and downloads for ease of use and reliability, with content you can find free on MeditAid Mindful.

Stress, suffering and quality of life

Stress and suffering are an unpleasant part of life we can't simply ignore or live without (or can we?). Many of us put on a brave face and hide it behind a smile but deep inside, everyone suffers. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to come across as a downer, claiming life is bad and dark, but I'm acknowledging the stress problem for sake of making it better. As humans, we evolved for life we lived before we built civilizations and developed a complex, urgent, and punishing way of life. Even the smallest things like giving a presentation at work or talking to a stranger, can trigger a stress response meant for situations where our lives are in danger. Socially we are engaged in a network of ever-changing relationships where a single word said to our faces can upset or even enrage us. We're changing the way we live so quickly, generations twenty years apart, struggle to understand each other. Like this wasn't enough, we live in a culture that favours shock value over meaning of things, resulting in a big load of fear being put in each other’s heads. Welcome to the Post-Modern era where one person in four suffers from some kind of mental disorder. All that greatly affects quality of our lives. We have nice cars, big screen TV's and effective painkillers, but also, we're forced to constantly adapt to our complex environment, which is by definition a cause of stress. This is a very serious situation we made for ourselves but it's not all that bad. There's something we can do about it.

What can be done?

Naturally, the first thing that comes to mind is "Let's change the world we live in", and we constantly do this when we're fed up with one issue, only to see other issues arise. Changing the world alone doesn't seem to be enough, so let me suggest an alternative we can apply when we can't fix the outside. Fix the inside. As conscious beings, we are aware of ourselves enough to make changes to how we function and react to our realities. We can train ourselves to be calm, focused, and aware in situations that normally would throw us off balance and make us suffer. I understand it's easier said than done and I know it from my own experience. However, I did give it a try and invested a lot of time in it with very interesting results. Anyway, my little troubles aside, one thing that still amazes me after all this, is how powerful our self-aware minds can be. We can literally end our own suffering without having to change the world, but ultimately changing it for better, when we better ourselves. That's where relaxation, meditation in general and mindfulness come into play. We're lucky enough, for thousands of years people were trying to figure it out. My two favourite such people are Buddha and Jesus, whose teachings had a big influence on me. This website however is not about religion or any specific philosophy, so I won't be writing about it here, but you probably get my point, and why I'm doing this. Following pages will shed some light on relaxation, meditation in general, and mindfulness, truthfully to both modern science and long-established traditions from the East.

In this section

Our news

After a year of ups and downs, we're publishing an early access today. Content will come soon, now that we have motivation to write it quick.
Big day! We have been registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee by Irish Company Registration Office. CLG means no pay-day for us and no monetary incentive of any kind.